Ever felt insecure? Ever felt like you are just faking it until someone finds out?
How about this one? Have you ever felt like God wants you to do something, but everyone else will question your sanity in doing it? Yup. I know. That one is hard, but I know how it feels. In fact, I might have regular victory in my identity, but insecurity in how it looks to follow Jesus still comes.
Let me tell you my story.
How The Story Goes.
It was last October, as I have shared with you, that God impressed on my heart something crazy. Cast your net He suggested. “What is my net?” I replied.
My net was not about fishing. My net was about obedience. You see, He had been working on me for years. He had been developing my sense of self, my identity. Now, He wanted me to share my journey with others. Seemingly at a bad time of day to fish, much like His experience with Peter.
But, I launched the net into the sea. The net being the school of identity. The sea, being the world. Would people look at me and say, “what kind of a guy does that?” Yup. Had it. Still have it. But I pushed forward.
For I didn’t cast the net to become the savior of man, but to become an obedient servant to the savior.
Then there was the last few weeks.
What happened the last few weeks you may ask? Well I’ll share. Even thought my identity was secure going into them, insecurity still made a regular appearance.
Just a few weeks back, the school of identity launched it’s first full course… UNIQUE. It was developed to help it’s students understand the theology and some of the biology of how God created us to be different then others and in fact find joy being us.
Let me just say, I’ve been a teacher/professor for years. I love it. It is one of the ways that God made me and it’s also one of the ways that I have joy in my design. I love it. What I learned during UNIQUE however, was also unique. It was something I had not learned as a professor. So I want to share with you what I learned.
While I have had victory in my identity, UNIQUE taught me that to share that victory with the people who trust me, I must go into new territory. The victorious solider must visit new places to share the victory.
Victory Always Moves You Into New Battles In New Lands
In running UNIQUE, I had to try things I had never tried. If you journeyed with me, you know that the technology side of things was a really hard hill for me to climb. I did it, but it was hard. Thank you for your prayers.
Also, I’ve been a pastor for 21 years. I have not been a business owner. I have learned so much about business and I’m grateful for those of you who have encouraged me.
My victory was in my identity, not my circumstances. But living in your identity, gives you perspective on God’s Identity. His Identity is beyond the circumstances.
Don’t forget who you are. But who God is just so happens to be more important. He is the perspective you need.
So this week, here is what I would like you to try.
- Find a quite place.
- Reflect on who Jesus made you to be. Feel free to read some of our past blog posts to encourage you.
- Then focus on Jesus. Focus on who He is.
- Think about your circumstance in life and remember He will never ask you to be anyone’s savior, but simply to be you, and direct people to the Savior.
Point four is so key and a great reminder for all!