A New Apologetic

Here is a post that I recently wrote for my blog on theological issues.  It has to do with Identity, so I wanted to share it with the school of identity and you too. :) Brad. What is apologetics?  Why do we persist on it in the Western Church?  What is it about our [...]

When people assault your identity.

Has anyone ever said something to you about who you feel you are that hurt desperately bad?  Have you ever felt like someone thought only bad things about you? I have.  I didn't like it. What's worse is when someone seems to use the Bible to prove you are not a good person.  Wait, [...]

So What’s Your Plan?

Wow.  2018 is gone. Another new year.  Another new set of goals. Another hope that we can keep up with those new resolutions for another year.  Perhaps it’s just another “another”.    It’s hard to be motivated by that isn’t it?  I know it is for me.  There are so many voices around me [...]

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