Your Life Reflects…

Have you ever felt like life is getting out of control?  You know what I mean.  You committed to something, but now, you just can't make it happen.  You don't want to tell anyone, but you know that you can't fulfill what you promised.Or perhaps, you put on this mask that everything is going great. [...]

Stealing Glory With Good Opportunities

Have you ever had a great opportunity you just didn't want to miss?  Have you ever done something you weren't planning on doing, only because it really needed to be done? What about this... Have you ever taken responsibility for something that you knew you were not really made to do, but you thought, hmmm, [...]

Clean Your Lens

Have you ever felt like you were not good enough for others? Have you ever felt that you need to act a certain way so that you would be considered worthy of friendship? Or perhaps, have you ever felt that when you look at yourself in the mirror, you don't look the way you want [...]

Do You Like My Beach Body?

I love to say I'm in shape... cause round is a shape :)  Get it? I'm round... Okay, what kind of Dad joke is that? I'm just kiddin with you.  So let me explain what this beach body thing is all about. I just returned from a dream trip.  My wife and I got to [...]

Identity and Insecurity

Ever felt insecure?  Ever felt like you are just faking it until someone finds out? How about this one?  Have you ever felt like God wants you to do something, but everyone else will question your sanity in doing it?  Yup.  I know.  That one is hard, but I know how it feels.  In fact, [...]

Did Jesus have an Identity Crisis?

I bet that this title made you think.  In fact, I would be that this question makes you give a strong "NO!" or a curious "I hope not." That's fair.  That's why I asked. But make no mistake, my job today is not to confuse you.  My job today is to focus on the 6 [...]

What Am I Going To Do With My Life?

Are you graduating? Is Spring coming and you don't know what's next? What about if you already have your plan, but things just feel off for you.  You have the job, but you don't feel like you fit.  Don't get me wrong, you work with some great people, but is this really what God wants [...]

If I Wasn’t Me.

Have you ever thought something like, “I could accomplish more if I wasn’t me”?  I just did.  I mean, like 30 seconds before I typed this sentence I thought this.  What!  What am I thinking?  I’m supposed to be the victory in your identity guy. Well here is the reality.  God made us in His [...]

The 5 Minute Identity Workout

I used to feel weak in who I was.  Have you ever felt like that?  You know what I mean, like when someone asks you to describe yourself and you get all flustered. Let's say for example, you meet some new people.  They ask you to tell them about yourself.  The first bit goes OK, [...]

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